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!!!indonesian smog

Every day kids, parents, workers step out into the world to this. Smog.

Until now there has not been a cost effective way to phase out the millions of polluting gasoline-powered motorcycles. This is simply because there has been no alternative that was competitive enough – read: cheap – for ordinary citizens to consider.

Of course there has always been the electric scooter-type vehicle, but these have traditionally had a bad reputation. They broke down often and quite soon after purchase. Mostly, they have been powered by traditional lead-acid batteries.

These batteries are very familiar to people. They have been used in cars to start the gasoline-powered engines.  They are used to issue a surge of energy in order to crank the starter motor of cars.

There is one drawback – lead acid batteries have never been designed to run continuously to power an electric vehicle.  It is like leaving a traditional flashlight on at full power. Pretty soon, the battery energy wears out.

More alarmingly, the number of times a lead acid battery can be recharged drops down dramatically. If used continuously,  a set of lead acid batteries running an electric vehicle will need to be changed within  a year. Often sooner.  The alarm comes from the vehicle owner suddenly realizing the need to buy lead acid batteries at 8 month cycles. Very expensive.

Aside from the cost, lead acid batteries are inconvenient to recharge.  They cannot be topped off.  Users normally have to wait until the battery is almost completely discharged in order to recharge it for next use.  So the EVs have to be run almost till exhaustion, otherwise the lead acid battery will not be ready for recharging.

The inconvenience carries on to the density of energy packed into a lead acid battery. Once the lead acid battery is recharged, it normally does not last long.  Some have had to charge their EV overnight (eight hours) in order to use it for four hours.  No businesses can be built around that recharge cycle.

Ultimately, once the lead acid battery is exhausted, the community will now have to face a problem – where will the EV operator dispose of the batteries? What happens if an EV operator has an eJeep that has twelve lead acid batteries and has to replace them every eight months?  Some enterprising souls use them as anchors for the little wooden boats they use to ply on rivers and tributaries. Much of that lead can seep into the water supply system.

That is why none of the global EV manufacturers have chosen lead acid batteries to run their vehicles.